Omega 3 6 and 9 Supplements: Why You Need Them & How to Take Them

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We explain the many health benefits of omega 3 6 and 9 fatty acids, the foods you can find them in, and why it can be beneficial to take supplements – even if you eat fish regularly!

Fat, so often maligned, is actually an incredibly valuable nutrient. It’s a concentrated source of energy, providing more than double the energy of protein or carbohydrate. It’s also the carrier for the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K . But, perhaps most importantly, it provides your body with fatty acids.

Omega 3 6 and 9: The benefits at a glance

All three types of omega fatty acids are important for health. They each have distinct roles and functions in the body. A balanced intake of omega 3 6 and 9 fatty acids is key to supporting overall health and well-being.

Omega-3 fatty acids – Anti-inflammatory
– Crucial for brain function
– Heart health
– Reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease & arthritis
Omega-6 fatty acids– Promote inflammation (important for immune defence but harmful in chronic conditions)
– Support skin health
– Hormone production
– Cell structure
Omega-9 fatty acids– Support heart health
– Reduce inflammation

The different types of Omega 3 6 and 9

Omega 3 6 and 9 fatty acids are all unsaturated fats, which provide a wide range of health benefits. The names omega 3 6 and 9 are not individual substances, but groups of substances. For example, omega 3 includes ALA, EPA and DHA. You will typically see the amounts of each of these stated on the label of any supplement you buy.

Omega 3 6 and 9 sub-groups

Omega-3 fatty acidsAlpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
Omega-6 fatty acidsLinoleic acid (LA)
Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)
Arachidonic acid (AA)
Omega-9 fatty acidsOleic acid (OA)

There are also Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats, while omega-9 fatty acids are monounsaturated fats.

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are essential, meaning that the body cannot produce them on its own. We need to get them from our daily diet. However, omega-9 fatty acids are non-essential because the body can produce them from other fats.

Omega 3 fatty acids for heart and brain

There are three main types of omega 3s: ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).

Omega-3 fatty acids offer countless health benefits. They have well-known anti-inflammatory properties. This is how they can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, arthritis, and certain cancers. Omega-3s also support brain health and cognitive function, promoting better memory, focus, and mood stability. Additionally, they play a crucial role in maintaining healthy eyesight, skin, and hair. Consuming omega-3 fatty acids regularly through diet or supplements may even enhance athletic performance and recovery.

The British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) says intakes of omega 3s in the UK are lower than recommended. Experts say one per cent of our daily energy intake should come from omega 3s.

Unfortunately, many people may not be getting enough omega 3s for optimum health. If you don’t eat much fish, you can get all the DHA and EPA you need from a high-strength fish oil supplement. If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, it’s a good idea to eat plenty of foods rich in ALA, such as Hemp Seed Oil.

ALA: Alpha-linolenic acid

ALA is an essential fatty acid, so the only way to get it is to eat ALA-rich foods and take ALA supplements. Once it’s in your system, the body converts a small amount of ALA into EPA and DHA.

ALA occurs naturally in plant foods, with flaxseeds and flaxseed oil a popular source. You can also find it in hemp seed oil, rapeseed, soya beans, pumpkin seeds and walnuts. Smaller amounts exist in dark green, leafy vegetables and the meat or eggs of animals fed omega 3-rich foods.

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ALA is a highly important nutrient, it has antioxidant properties, is crucial for digestion and absorption, and helps enzymes turn nutrients into energy. It also has also has many additional benefits after conversion to EPA and DHA. 

EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) & DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) 

All of your body’s cells need these fatty acids, including your nervous system, liver, eyes, kidneys and muscles. EPA and DHA are thoroughly studied nutrients, with much of the evidence suggesting they help with heart health. But they have many other science-backed benefits too.

EPA and DHA in Omega 3 can slow down the effects of brain ageing and to help protect against Alzheimer’s disease. When you consider that 12% of the human brain by weight is pure omega 3, this is hardly surprising. They can, in addition, help to reduce inflammation and swelling, which is part of the disease process in Alzheimer’s disease.

Additionally, they can improve the symptoms of depression and other mental health disorders, which is partly related to the fact they’re vital nutrition for a healthy pregnancy and for brain development in babies. They help to reduce fat in your liver and reduce blood triglyceride levels, and in addition they may even help control body weight – although this is emerging evidence that’s more based on tests in animals.

Your body makes some DHA and EPA from ALA, but it’s possible to get much larger amounts by eating oily fish such as salmon, fresh tuna, mackerel, sardines, herring, trout, pilchards, kippers, anchovies, sprats and whitebait.

12% of the human brain is pure Omega 3 fatty acids.

The NHS recommends eating two portions of fish every week, one of which should be oily fish, as part of a healthy, balanced diet.

Omega 6 fatty acids for immunity and skin repair

Omega-6 fatty acids are essential nutrients that offer several health benefits. They are important for brain function, supporting cognitive development and maintaining overall mental health. Omega 6s also play a role in regulating inflammation and immune response, helping the body fight off infections and heal wounds. Additionally, they contribute to healthy skin and hair, promoting proper growth and maintenance of these tissues.

While omega-6 fatty acids are crucial for optimal health, it’s essential to maintain a balance between omega-6s and omega-3s in the diet to prevent excessive inflammation and other health issues. According to the British Nutrition Foundation, as a population, we’re close to having the recommended level of Omega 6 fatty acids in our diets already. This applies in particular to people who eat a lot of meat.

In fact, it’s more likely some people could be getting too much of them, with scientists claiming Western diets can include as much as 15 times more omega 6 fatty acids than omega 3s. The supposedly ideal ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 is debated by researchers, with some proposing it’s anything between 1:1 and 5:1.

Some health experts used to recommend cutting back on omega 6 foods, as they believed high levels of omega 6 fatty acids could cause inflammation in the body. You may remember being told eggs are bad for you: the vendetta against this marvellously nutritious food arose from this. However, scientists now realise that omega 6 is beneficial rather than harmful. Therefore, even people whose omega 6 intake is high should try to boost their intake of omega 3 rather than cut down on omega 6.

LA (linoleic acid)

LA is an essential fatty acid and is converted in the body to other fatty acids, the main ones being GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) and AA (arachidonic acid).

You can eat more LA in seeds and nuts such as walnuts, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, almonds and pumpkin seeds, plus oils including sunflower oil, corn oil, avocado oil, soya oil and sesame oil. Other foods that contain LA include eggs and tofu.

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GLA (gamma-linolenic acid)

LA, GLA and AA help every cell in your body to function. However, unlike omega 3s, omega 6 fatty acids haven’t been researched widely. But there is some evidence GLA may help people with diabetes who have diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage), can be useful in reducing PMS and menopausal symptoms, and that it may help reduce inflammation and keep skin clear.

Research suggests taking AA supplements improves cognitive function in older people. Meanwhile, many women take GLA supplements to help manage the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and the menopause. If you want to boost your GLA intake, choose starflower oil because it delivers over double the GLA of evening primrose oil or flaxseed oil.

GLA sources include starflower oil, evening primrose oil and blackcurrant oil, while AA sources include egg yolks and meats such as pork and the dark meat from chicken and turkey legs.

Omega 9 fatty acids for lower cholesterol and lower inflammation

Omega-9 fatty acids, also known as oleic acid, offer several health benefits. They are primarily known for their role in supporting heart health by helping to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol (often referred to as “bad” cholesterol) and increase levels of HDL cholesterol (considered “good” cholesterol). This can help lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Omega-9s also possess anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation throughout the body and help to relieve symptoms associated with conditions like arthritis and asthma. Additionally, these fatty acids may support healthy brain function and contribute to overall well-being.

Unlike omega 3s and 6s, omega 9s are monounsaturated fatty acids. They are not essential, as our bodies can make them from other digested nutrients.

OA (oleic acid)

An important omega 9 is oleic acid. Numerous studies claim oleic acid is important for heart health while others suggest it reduces your risk of having a stroke or type 2 diabetes, and may also be good for your cognitive health. Many of these and other studies have focused on the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in olive oil. In fact some researchers believe olive oil could be the reason people in Mediterranean countries have a lower risk of certain cancers.

Oleic acid is abundant in olive oil, and also exists in rapeseed oil, peanut oil, hemp seed oil, as well as peanuts, cashews, macadamia nuts and avocados. Starflower oil, a rich source of GLA, also contains oleic acid.

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Getting more Omega 3 6 and 9 fatty acids

Whatever way you look at them, omega 3 6 and 9 fatty acids are incredibly important nutrients. However, it’s fair to say that marine omega 3 fatty acids have hogged their fair share of headlines over the years.

Despite the fact they are undoubtedly vital for human health, there’s so much more to essential fatty acids than just fish oil. Omega 3 6 and 9 fatty acids all play vital – and very different – roles in keeping us healthy. The fact is, if you don’t get enough of these beneficial fats in your diet, it can affect your health and wellbeing in many ways.

Most abundant food sources of omega 3 6 and 9
Omega-3 fatty acidsOily fish including salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring (including bloater & kipper), trout, anchovies, sprats, pilchards, whitebait
Nuts and seeds especially walnuts & flaxseeds
Omega-6 fatty acidsEgg yolks
Dark poultry meat from chicken & turkey legs, pork
Oils starflower oil, evening primrose oil, avocado oil, soya oil & sesame oil
Seeds and nuts including walnuts, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, almonds & pumpkin seeds
Omega-9 fatty acidsOils in particular olive oil, hemp seed oil, starflower oil, rapeseed oil, peanut oil
Nuts especially peanuts, cashews & macadamia nuts

Why do we need omega 3 6 and 9 supplements?

The challenge for most people is getting more omega 3. Most people already eat enough omega 6 fatty acids, as we get them from meat and other common foods. Omega 9 is also less of a deficiency issue as our bodies can make it from other omegas, although it can be an issue for anyone watching their weight because it tends to come from nuts and seeds which are quite fattening.

To get enough omega 3 nutrients from your diet, you need to eat oily fish at least twice a week. Older people and pregnant women need even more than this, but very few people in Britain do manage to eat this much fish. And even if they do – there’s a huge problem.

The NHS gives the following shocking warning:

Oily fish usually have higher levels of pollutants than other types of seafood. For this reason, there are maximum recommendations for the number of portions some groups should be eating each week.

The following people should eat no more than 2 portions of oily fish a week: girls; women who are planning a pregnancy or may have a child one day; pregnant and breastfeeding women.

This is because pollutants found in oily fish may build up in the body and affect the future development of a baby in the womb.

Fish and Shellfish (NHS)

No wonder so many people turn to omega 3 supplements instead. The challenge, of course, is how to identify supplements which offer the benefits of omega 3 without also including concentrated toxins.

How to pick good quality omega 3 supplements

These are the main reassurances to look for:

  • Look for supplements made in the UK to our national manufacturing standards, mainly GMP.
  • Also check whether your supplement is third-party tested to guarantee it’s pure and free from contaminants.
  • Only buy fish oil in double-sealed bottles that have a good oxygen barrier, because it’s oxygen that makes the oil go rancid.
  • Bite down on a softgel when you first open the bottle, to double check that the oil is fresh and doesn’t taste bad or rancid.
  • Store fish oil softgels in your fridge to keep them fresh as you would with a fresh fish from the supermarket.
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Omega 3 6 and 9 FAQs

What is the difference between omega 3 6 and 9?

Omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9 are different types of fatty acids, each with its own unique benefits. Found in fatty fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds, omega 3 are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and support heart health. Meanwhile omega 6s, found in vegetable oils like soybean oil, play a role in skin health and hormone production. Omega 9s, found in olive oil and avocados, can support heart health and reduce inflammation.

Are omega 3 6 and 9 supplements good for you?

Omega 3 6 and 9 supplements are beneficial for overall health, as they provide a combination of essential fatty acids. Some researchers have found that 99% of the population has lower that the required intake of omega 3 6 and 9 in their diet, suggesting supplements would be beneficial.

Can dogs have omega 3 6 and 9 supplements?

Yes, omega 3 6 and 9 supplements can be safe for dogs and may offer similar health benefits as they do for humans. Remember to check with your vet before giving supplements to your dog.

Can I take omega 3 6 and 9 supplements while pregnant?

Taking omega 3 6 and 9 supplements during pregnancy can be beneficial, as omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for foetal brain development.

Can I take omega 3 6 and 9 while breastfeeding?

Omega 3 6 and 9 supplements are generally considered safe to take while breastfeeding, as they can provide essential fatty acids that may benefit both the mother and the baby.

Can omega 3 6 and 9 cause weight gain?

Omega 3 6 and 9 supplements contain a small amount of oil and calories and will not cause weight gain when taken in recommended doses. Some research has found that these nutrients encourage the development of more lean muscle and less fat on the body, without changing total weight.

Can omega 3 6 and 9 cause headaches?

While omega 3 6 and 9 supplements are generally well-tolerated, a few people may experience headaches as a side effect. If this happens, stop taking them. It’s essential to consult your doctor if you experience persistent headaches as there may be other causes, which must b e investigated.

What side effects can omega 3 supplements cause?

Side effects of omega 3 fish oil supplements are usually mild. They include unpleasant taste, bad breath, bad-smelling sweat, headache, and gastrointestinal symptoms such as heartburn, nausea, and diarrhoea. A few people feel unwell after taking fish oil supplements and may benefit from taking a vegan alternative made from algae instead.

How much omega 3 6 and 9 should I take?

It’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s recommended dosage guidelines on the label. The exact dosage of omega 3 6 and 9 supplements you need can vary depending on your own health needs, your dietary intake of these nutrients and which type of supplement you are taking, whether it’s fish oil, algal oil, krill oil, hemp seed oil or starflower oil. See a medical professional if you want personalised advice.

Can you have too much omega 3 6 and 9?

You should always stick to taking the manufacturer’s recommended dose of any supplement you take. Consuming excessive amounts of omega 3 6 and 9 supplements could potentially lead to adverse effects, such as gastrointestinal issues or an increased risk of bleeding if you’re prone to slow blood clotting. Consult your doctor or a dietician if you have any concerns.

What are the best omega 3 supplements to take?

The best omega-3 supplements to take are those that contain high concentrations of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which are the most biologically active forms of omega-3 fatty acids. Look for supplements that are third-party tested for purity and potency.

What are the best omega 3 6 and 9 supplements?

The best omega 3-6-9 supplements are those that provide balanced ratios of each fatty acid and are sourced from high-quality ingredients. Look for supplements that have been independently tested for purity and potency.

Sources and further reading

Fish and Shellfish (NHS)

The omega-6/omega-3 fatty acid ratio: health implications, Artemis P. Simopoulos

Omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids: Dietary sources, metabolism, and significance — A review, Ramesh Kumar Saini, Young-Soo Keum

Beneficial Outcomes of Omega-6 and Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Human Health: An Update for 2021 by Ivana Djuricic and Philip C. Calder

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